Statistics: Tell me what to prove and we will find a formula that show what you need.
Important for correct data must be correct data measured correctly and not miss anything. How to know that?
Time machine?
Like global temperatures.
Compare with the last ice age or a warmer period or something between? Ice ages comes and goes, that is how it has worked so far.
This to be verified with millions of years in the mirror that covers volcanic eruptions, sun, earth wobble, other planets etc etc.
Today mostly compared with max hundred years back and temperature levels that fits the purpose.
I'm sure all other important statistics that are used as a leverage for an already decided agenda to convince people about anything is what we often can see.
Control and short term profit or just a need to give good living people a lesson which is the common envy.
It is easier for us old farts that have lived for a while.
We know best just before the brain get dementia, rotten up from inside

Smog in major cities OK to compare today with the 70's.
It is better today!