Author Topic: extensive testing bucket handle for broken/lost tank filter has concluded  (Read 1302 times)

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Offline Redline it

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i'll try to us my utmost brevity in this report.

a test 4 yrs and 6 month ago replacing an in-tank filter where there was none has come to a dramatic close.

the results are in-100% effective both the bucket handle and the garlic bag found on the side of the road used in combination to form a intank fuel filter for cb400f ss 1976 installation date May 15 2015.

pictures will be included into this case study sometime today.

Findings: bucket handle was still in position and had no signs of deterioration or malfunctions.
the excitement falls into the results of the filter material used-a non valuable grocery produce carrier bag, i think it was a garlic bag, could've been soap bag, the mesh or sieve is possibly slightly on the course side, compared to the factory filter cloth. in todays corrosive fuels that we're paying to use is no match for the material that just so happened to be near while design department gave the go-ahead to apply. not a trace of wear nor corrosion build ups, nor any dissolving of the material at all. Complete success in the way of if your stock filter is torn, soldering iron to re-seam is possible only there's not a lot of room, and the stock mesh melts fast, which could leave holes. that problem is now solved by the use of this modern space aged gasoline/alcohol/methanol resistant material as a patch to go over the hole! just apply as if you were replacing a whole filter leaving the old one in place.

I just noticed in the last image shows a double security measure in the design phase back in 2015 was the placement of apparently fuel resistant foam rubber was pressed into the bucket handle. I was thinking of upgrading this design by adding a tube into the on port to serve as reserve level point. Possibly patendable part now without a doubt.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 06:34:27 PM by Redline it »