Author Topic: Moonshine Likker  (Read 984 times)

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Offline xtalon

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Moonshine Likker
« on: February 08, 2007, 10:54:30 AM »
Boudreaux been fish'n down by de bayou all day and he done run outa night crawlers. He be bout reddy to leave when he seen a snake wif a big frog in his mouf. He knowed dat dem big bass fish like dem frogs, so he decided to steal dat froggie.
Dat snake, he be a cotton mouf water moccasin, so he had to be real careful or he'd git bit. He snuk up behin' dat snake and grabbed him roun de haid. Dat ole snake din't lak dat one bit. He squirmed and wrap hisself roun' Boudreaux's arm try'n to git hisself free. But Boudreaux, he had a real good grip on his haid, yeh. Well, Boudreaux pried his mouf open and got de frog and puts it in his bait can.
Now, Boudreaux knows dat he cain't let go dat snake or he's gonna bite him good, but he had a plan. He reach into de back pocket of his bibs and pulls out a pint a moonshine likker. He pour some drops into de snake's mouf. Well, dat snake's eyeballs kinda roll back in his haid and his body go limp. Wit dat, Boudreaux toss dat snake into de bayou. Den he goes back to fishin'
A while later! Boudreaux dun feel sumpin' tappin' on his barefoot toe. He slowly look down and dare wuz dat water moccasin . . . wif two more frogs.
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Offline medic09

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Re: Moonshine Likker
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 11:07:19 AM »
Sweet.  It reads/sounds just bout right.

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Re: Moonshine Likker
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 03:34:09 PM »
gotta love the moonshine