Well since there is not much else to do during quarantine except to figure out the best way to spend my stimulus money....
I'm bringing my 74 CB550K0 up to snuff for post corona apocalypse touring:

To that end, I'm thinking about adding a windscreen. I feel that this would be a good idea because of my experience this October when I rode this Kawasaki W650 from Delaware to Washington State:
That was a great ride but it would have been nice to have some kind of wind protection.
I had some wind protection on my old 72 Yamaha XS 650 the last time I rode across the country back in the late 70's:

...but I don't want to go with a fairing.
So, before I figure out how to insert pictures of the rest of the motorcycles I've owned over the years, let me get to the point. Any suggestions from the forum? I am leaning towards a smallish handlebar mounted windscreen such as the
National Cycle N25040 Deflector Screen: 
I'm not trying to eliminate the wind, just cut it down to a less bothersome degree.
If I wanted full protection I would still be riding the great white whale:

(oops there's another old bike of mine... two actually!)
So I hope to benefit from the wisdom of your collective experiences and/or opinions, but more experience than opinions if you please