I did not know yamiya was making tanks/side cover sets painted. I seem to have better luck doing my decals dry than with water. I got the decals on leaving the backing remaining for about 3 inches on both ends then i used alot of water for joining stripe ends process, removed backing and the stop decal cover from bottom end of lightly spread it down with no pressure...did the same to top tail end letting it fall down over the top of bottom stripe end then lightly did all the step cutting with an exacto bringing each stripe to a point .. then trimmed off the tail end of bottom stripe end conforming to curve of the upper overlap..peeled off remaining which came off easy as no real pressure was applied...then squeegeed it down..done..all in all wasnt too bad..I imagine those guys at the honda factory really whipped em out. Wet sanded and polished it this morning and got my new badges on...i put about 5 coats of clear over them.