one of the worst things to do following adding any glue that can either-leave a trace of it in the grove that can build up in time and be a persistent point of leaks, or an immediate hardening of the oring which can cause it to fail and for sure never to be used again, but back to the worst is however tempting it may be, don't go up a size or 2 orings hoping it to solve leaky bowls. used over a short time they'll cause the screws to slightly bend the mating surface of the bowls. the design is for the 2 surfaces to mate flat with the right size orings to compress in the grove to fill just the grove. put a straight edge on the bowls, if they're flat, find the right size orings. if they're warped and you can see light between the straight edge then the right size will not work unless the orings swell. any glue products that requires a mechanical cleaning the grove, tooth brush, tooth pics, little wire (brass even,) brushes, etc runs the risk of scratching or deforming the grove. they're delicate. a dab of crazy glue on the corners usually rips off micro chunks of rubber that stay in the grove, then trying to clean that out in a corner...tears them up. permatex rarely will seal any leaks but will always creates crap left on the surfaces that can be nearly impossible to get removed.