Hi guys, sorry I've not been about for a few weeks, my land line and internet connection has been down.
What a rotten time for it to go down, I've not been out of the house for close on 6 weeks.
I hope you are all staying safe in these troubled times, stay safe guys.
Regards Sam.
Hi Sam..
We haven't chatted before on this website..but I've followed what you've been doing for years..(including the crash and recuperation stuff LOL).
Think we're both about the same age..come from a similar background in terms of motorcycle stuff (although I gave up racing years ago).
I've never been physically to the UK..although many of my friends and relatives are from there BTW. Nowadays..in my "old man" years..I mainly puts-around here in the U.S...Colorado..and have been spending several months a year now in Japan..where my wife..her family and friends are from. Think I've finally learned to speak a little Japanese now after over 45 years of being around it..but don't think this old dog will become proficient at it..in this lifetime anyway LOL.
Wanted to kind of commiserate with you about the Internet stuff..being "wired" with the rest of the IT world. Guess I
could become more IT savvy..if I wanted..but I don't..particularly.
One of the things I've learned over the past 50 years or so of relating to Japanese culture..and particularly with the more traditional aspects of Zen meditation..extended Zen retreats (of months at times)..is that in terms of everyday life..much of what we assume is relevant or important..is actually frivolous..and wastes our time by spending too much energy worrying about it.
I feel that much..if not most of what's now circulated on the Internet lacks depth (especially social media sites) and seems to be largely a glorified example of tabloid journalism. Kind of like the "digital version of National Inquirer..et al. LOL I don't mean to denigrate any of our SOHC4 brothers and sisters here..but feel that the current level of alarm and hysteria over corona virus would not be happening now..if instant messaging and immediate access to the Internet nowadays were not fueling much of the uncertainty and concern.
I served in the U.S.Navy (as medic) during the Viet Nam War Sam..and feel that the current level of concern about Corona virus (yes..world-wide) does not even approach the level of casualties or human suffering that we saw then. Yes people are dying and the virus seems to be very contagious. As a comparison (which I'm not old enough to remember clearly)..some of my older English friends have said that this doesn't even approach the level of harm that they saw during WW II. So maybe what we're seeing now..is somewhat of a generational perspective thing (?) I don't know personally..but feel that there's no problem with the fact that some of us choose to not be "wired' to the internet..or to a social media mentality.
Sorry it took me so long to contact you personally..but felt that your recent posts stimulated this response from me.
Best of health and happiness Sam!