I used drills I had and use when drilling, not a cent or penny extra spent
Saving money is the deal here, better to spend those on parts as TS want.
Yes, vacuum tool will make it a little bit better, but my adjustments were always good enough like Deltarider also have experienced.
If vaccum gauges make a huge difference compared with a careful bench sync, it must be differences in valve lash, opening/ closing, leakage etc that should be addressed.
There are several descriptions how to do.
Drill on engine side. Do not let the throttle spring to snap throttles on the drill this will cause marks.
I have used 3-5mm drills. Make sure throttles are not adjusted very wrong. Let carb 2 be a reference.
Hondachopper.com has a good description as for carb floats, ignition etc.
http://www.hondachopper.com/garage/carb_info/bench_sync/bench_sync.htmlIf I'll synch my Mikuni TMR again I'll use my Morgan carbtune
My K2 with stock carbs are OK as they are.
Maybe try the Morgan . I have found my old home made 2" long copper tubes I screwed into each carb and connected hoses to. I do not recall which tool I used back then, early 80's when clocks were a luxary tool.