I'm playing around withr eplaced my pods with a stock airbox set up at high altitude and Scottly suggested I add my two cents here since the bike was running much better with pods before I installed the airbox.
I'm in Mexico City, so about 7500 feet elevation. 1976 CB550F1. Not sure of the make of the pods, but I can add a photo. Jetting is 38/100 (38/98 is stock, so assuming a PO rejetted). No markings on the jets, so assuming they are aftermarket. I should add: the o-rings on the jets are old, and they don't hold the jets in place, so assuming there might be some gas getting by them as well. Idle mixture screws 1.5 turns out. D7EA plugs.
Bike runs well with this set up, with great response and no flat spots. At 1200rpm idle it chugs a little and I get it a quick blip before taking off.
Switching over to the stock airbox, the bike idles smoothly and more quietly, but bogged at around 4krpm. I will likely switch back to the pods for now, but look at replacing jets and moving the needles to lean out the mixture. I'll use the formula Hondaman recommended me: 1.2% per 1000 feet of elevation -- so at 7500 feet + 9%. Stock main is supposed to be 98, so around 88.