Author Topic: Tucson Covid-19 restrictions and closures recently ordered...  (Read 2086 times)

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Re: Tucson Covid-19 restrictions and closures recently ordered...
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2020, 10:14:50 PM »
I have not suffered any great deal from the "stay at home" restrictions, which we are currently under here in AZ, which are not the same as "lock down". I can go grocery shopping, go to the hardware store, etc. There are no Nazi check-posts when traveling. The Navajo nation in the North East corner of the state has been hit hard with the virus, and the president has ordered curfews. (Kind of odd, since the reservation is sparsely populated and remote.)
On wearing gloves, if you have gloves on and touch a contaminated surface, the glove is now contaminated, and anything you touch after that is also contaminated, so don't touch your face! The virus is not transferred through the skin, so it really doesn't matter if the contamination is on your skin or a glove, it's where you move it to.
I worked a gig in a nuclear power plant, and had special training on how to exit the reactor containment vessel and strip off the cover-alls, gloves, and boots without transferring any radioactive material on the outside to the inside; it's not as easy as you might think. ;)
I have chosen to wear a mask when shopping, as it appears the main mode of transmission is via airborne particles exhaled or coughed. In an enclosed area, they may linger for long periods of time, so you may be walking through someone's cough cloud long after the fact. The last time I was shopping, there was some dickhead without a mask, whistling the whole time, spewing microscopic particles out of his pursed lips like he was proud to possibly spread the virus!?? I would have smacked him in the back of the head with a can of jalapeno pinto beans after he walked behind me and coughed, but there were no beans on the shelf. >:(       
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