In the meantime .... I’ve started restoring the CB400F2 I picked up a couple of years ago. Like I said at the time, she is rusty - now there’s a good name!
I’ve removed various parts and, using vinegar and a scotch pad removed a lot of the surface rust. Apart from some holes
in the rear fender, all the parts are quite solid. I don’t have time or funds to get it all rechromed, so I want to use them as are. I’ve thought of painting them, but this too is a time consuming procedure and would prob not be much cheaper in the end. Oh, and I need to do the rims as well.
So I’m looking for a way to prevent or at least slow considerably, the flash rusting that occurs once they are dried off. WD40 Keeps it at bay for a while, but I guess that wold just wash off in the first rain.
So does anyone have any tricks for keeping these looking ... presentable is not quite the right word, but you know what I mean.