I'll start by apologizing for writing another one of these wiring posts-- but I am at a standstill here... I've read as many as I could find, and tried their advice. Nothing has worked.
I'm trying to wire front LED turn signals (only front, for now) to my 1981 Honda CB750 K DOHC. Please see below and let me know your thoughts. I'm no electrical engineer, but I understand basic wiring and power supply and have wired LED signals/brake lights in the past. I have no idea why this is not working...
Bike: 1981 Honda CB750 K Four DOHC (North American model)
Wiring is as follows:Blue - Right signal
Orange - Left signal
Blue White (2 wires into 1) single male bullet connector - Right signal indicator light (dash)?
Orange White (2 wires into 1) single male bullet connector - Left signal indicator light (dash)?
Two separate Green (ground) into 2 bullet receiving female connector.
Two separate Green (ground) into 2 bullet receiving female connector (there are 2 of these, yes).
The OEM incandescent signals had a green, blue, and blue white wire (3 wires off of each signal). Respectively the other side then had green, orange, orange white. The new LED signals have 2 wires. One has the Blue+ and Green-, the other has Orange+ and Green-
Seemed simple enough.
What I've bought:A new flasher relay-- NOT sure if it's LED compatible...
this is the next thing I'm ordering... again Diode --> two red+ male bullet connectors into one white female connector (one diode)
Bikemaster Resistors --> Black female bullet receiver (-), black male bullet (-), red female bullet receiver (+), red male bullet (+)
(2 of these resistors in a pack)
https://bikemaster.com/motorcycle-replacement-parts/turn-signals/cylinder-resistors.html This article would be substantially larger if I told you every wire combo I've tried, spliced, etc... and my results were that I had the indicators flashing for each side correctly with the resistors, but a solid (single) indicator light then... so I undid it and tried some other nonsense. NOW, no matter how I redo it, I cant get ANY lights flashing (even putting them back exactly how I had them, I just get solid lights both sides on. Nothing results in a flash. During my experiments I did get a light spark and blue a fuse on the bike and replaced it. Wondering if this somehow damaged the resistors...? Can anyone help?
I can definitely take pictures if needed.