Good lord, guys.... please stop arguing with each other.
I don't know what "vintage rally " is or who Bill Barber is, but everything I've seen shows the 2020 Barber Vintage Festival is still on, for now.
I'm not arguing with anyone. So do not put these latest answers by me as part of comments from people who like to start trouble
All i've done is post an objective comment about the barber vintage festival that according to the email I received, was canceled....and I wanted to go again.....and then two yahoo's on here have to get sarcastically personal i give it back!....and i will continue to do so everytime anyone comes at me....
So jump on them !
I hope you're right. That it hasn't been now i'm gonna double check......
Some of you are pissed because i posted a fact a few years ago that put one of your legend sohc4 guys on edge.
I was told stop posting my drivel when in fact he was wrong and i was right.........and now like a bunch of babies, some have to make derogatory attacks and be it....I'm a big boy, I give it back.
So you, being a moderator, maybe you should tell 'em to back off.....cause Ive NEVER backed away from anyone........and i'm not starting now...
All i ever care to do on here is help.....and learn.....that's it!