I guess the Honda warranty is max one year after delivery to first owner, not 40+

I wonder how many that has died due to this? The reason by media is usually that motorcyclists drives like crazy! Maybe something like ... "he crashed after trying to brake for something, an animal, drunk, hallucination etc...". The drunk or stoned rider got the blame for the factory assembly

Very important point to investigate. I hope both my bikes are correct. "Never had trans apart" will not ensure a correct assembled c clip/snap ring as witnessed here.
I usually let my bikes idle on side stand. One has undercutted gears by professionals and most likely correct assembled after that.
My K6 has irritating rattling clutch discs when leaning it to the left and sliding on the clutch when doing a sharp u-turn on a street. Not a distinct "clonk". (I'll throw in a later clutch (F2))
- Interesting to see what Terry will find when taking his engine apart. Important to be aware of the various threats that can end the bike, not only cars with their drivers except for self inflicted too inspired riding.
- Terry, please keep this thread in mind when opening the cases.I have not fully understood this until now when its clear that the pressure of the gear must be applied on the "rounded" side of the clip so the sharp edge will sit in the groove and keep it there. If flipped, the rounded edge will not be able to keep up the pressure in the shafts groove, it will slide over the groove.
I have 2 trans in a box to check. Low mile 1975F and my old K6-76 with 100.000km
This must cover all CB's and other bikes too like Mike has seen, right?