Hello, I have a modified bike. 1974 Cb750 K Four. The starter toggle switch is down near the left side cover. It was a 60 amp toggle switch. That's what it had when I got it.
I had a problem. It was hot when I tried to start it. (Should have used kick starter) The click sound from on to off stopped, and then the positive wire burned through, creating smoke. The positive post melted from the toggle switch causing the burning of the wire to stop.
I put a new toggle switch on. Clicked it to start it. It cranked over, but a little puff of smoke came out also. Not good. What can I replace this with? It has one hot wire going to the positive side of the battery, and a black wire that I is going to the starter inside the bike. I assume that is the negative wire going into the engine?
Open to suggestions. I am not good at wiring. I have seen the schematics and the cartoon wiring drawing. Not sure what any of that means. Wasn't quite sure where to post this question. Thanks
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