Hi guys , I'm late to the party. I didn't know so many members here are smokers trying to quit. Me too.Parents blew smoke at me since birth, I started smoking at 12 , smoked a pack or more a day every day until I was 60. I quit for the first time this november...last month I relapsed trying just one a day, then maybe just 2 a day, before you know it ...well you know. but I don't smoke after work or over the weekend if possible, just to stay in quitting form for the next try.
Yeah it can get rough, and some days are better than others. And then there's "you're 60 years old , why quit now, or we all die from something" or my personal favorite" No one gets out of this life alive". I've found truth in all of that, but when your friends have died horribly at an earlier age than normal from causes that are directly related to smoking, it's the thing that makes me want to stop. The deformed dying or already dead smokers on TV just doesn't have the impact as watching your friend die in pain... you can't turn it off or change the channel and it effects every part of your life.
I tried the gum ,the patch , and chantix.....yeah that stuff , I couldn't tell if I was awake or dreaming, that doesn't happen to everyone by the way and it's not as much fun as it sounds. quitting is just , well, it's just fcking hard no matter how you do it.
I'm happy to see a thread like this here, it's a problem that so many suffer from and need all the support they can get , wherever they are, even at our favorite website. I'm trying to quit again real soon , just working my way up to it, no really, I need to get grounded again in order to be successful at this....... spoken like a true addict. but I have plans to give it another go soon. after I finish up all the stashed packs.