Bear- the filter looked pretty decent I think. Nothing seemed to be clogged in or around it. Other than the filter looking kinda beat- especially for being only 1,700 miles on it (I did K&N). I didn't see anything in the oil pickup screen. Or anything clogging.
754- So I did get everything pull down to the lowest level of the engine. I could see the pistons, rings, and the beginning of the crankshaft (the last seal is being a pain....) So not open all the way yet.
The #3 piston is very, very tight when moving/rocking forward to back. The others, move pretty freely. (Front to back of course).
So when I purchased, she had the tiniest of tick. Hardly noticeable, but on my list of to do's. It got noticably quieter the more I rode, and after I did oil, etc. I think it was a bearing going. Judging by the oil color when I did the first change, and the literally disintegrated filter.... I'm guessing the damage was already done. And any oil I did after buying was a bandaid at best.
I'm a little lost on bearing size to crankshaft wear. I read there's colors, but some advice said just do yellow... *Shrug*
I'm taking the camshaft, piston heads, cylinder block into a local place (my cousin recommended,-Detroit Iron) so get everything checked for the tolerances (I understand theory of this, but I'd rather a professional get the info so I don't mess it up). I'll be bringing the crankshaft in as soon as I have it pulled.
So is there a place y'all would recommend to get the seals, and parts in a quick (ish) manor? I want to replace every seal. I don't want to do this any time soon, and the seals have to be 43 years. I was do all fresh seals, and new bearings, piston rings if needed. I want to do this right, to have her last as long as possible.
Thank you all! I do very much appreciate everything you've tossed out. It's an amazing learning experience. If anyone happens to be Detroit (well surrounding area) and would be willing to help, I'll happily bribe with beer and bad jokes (and Irish music.... Radio, I can't play yet).