A few weeks ago I was doing the top end on a 550. I had all 6 rubber pucks in my hand. As I walked around my bike lift/work table, I dropped one. I SAW it hit the floor jack that is used to raise and lower the lift.
Pulled out the jack, flipped it over, raised it, lowered it....no puck. Looked under the table, all around the garage....no puck. Luckily. I had some extras.
Yesterday, I took down the lift for storage (it stores on its side). Completely cleared and swept that area of the garage. Flipped the table up sideways. Rolled it against the wall for storage. Moved the jack and wheel chock.
No puck anywhere. It's just gone. Disappeared.
We've been doing some deep cleaning and have swept and vacuumed the garage. Cleaned the windows, removed cobwebs, thrown out junk. No puck. Or the wrist pin clip that went flying away 5 years ago.
Black hole, I tell ya.