Thanks, I know it's not a SOHC, but old Harleys are another "addiction" of mine, as are SOHC"S, and International Harvesters.....LOL!
Presently I've got around $2,800.00 in her, and that includes the original purchase. The frame repair and truing was the biggest expense at $700.00. There was some cancer on the swingarm isolator mounts that had to be fixed. The frame shop thinks it lived by the ocean most of it's life, hence the cancer.
Waiting parts that should be here on Wednesday, then the wheels go back on and she's a roller again. Can't do much more till I get her up on the M/C jack and get the wheels on.
Catch 22.......getting to heavy to move around on the dolly, but I need the parts that are coming before I can put the wheels back on. Can't get it in and out of the shed on the M/C jack so it needs wheels to move.....LOL.
As she sits presenly, I have the trans and engine short block back in the frame with all new mounts and cleaned up, polishing what will polish.