Inspired by this information about Schottky rectifier chip (many thanks, American Locomotive!!!), I got 3 rectifier chips for testing.
My main goal was to heal or improve weak charging on my CB550K.
Compare to stock I have H4 bulb headlight, 3 relays (each consumes apprx 330mA, so 1A total ~12W), LED bulbs in tail light and gauges and Boyer electronic ignition with stock coils.
My problems was(!) that when I was starting with fully charged battery I always arrived back with less charged one. I can behaviour as I have V-meter installed between gauges. Simply, under 4K RPM, there is no effective charging, especially when I did some km cruising in city (traffic lights etc). And if I stopped/start using starter several times during ride it was even worse, arring home with battery sometimes below 12V!
So, to make my story short - I had quite some expectation to improve charging in lower RPMs (less voltage drop on rectifier).
First I had to address heatsink and fixation of chip to it. I did not find proper "spring" or spring plate in my garage, so I decided to use only heatsink paste and JBweld for it. Idea was to make test sample/prototype and install it paralell to stock rectifier (on top) to have stokc one "handy' if it fails on the road, jut by reconnection of connector. I used connector housing from old fuse holder and new faston male pins. See pics how it look like
Yesterday first ride (40 miles in total) - I immidiately saw result after start on voltmeter - big improvement!!! System starts charging in lower RPMs, approx 800-1200 RPMs sooner than with stock one!
I was bit afraid about tempeprature and heatsink effectiveness of my JB Weld solution -> right after ~20miles ride I removed cover and checked temp of chip/heatsink by finger - it was just normal temp, even not warm - promising!
Today longer ride (~130miles), all worked perfectly, I did not check temperature anymore. So, I have no more stress anymore about battery charging on my normal rides.
Will keep testing it and later (or maybe not, if it will not fail ?

) will do final version that will come in place of stock rectifier.
=> I highly recommend it for 500/550 for those who observe similar charging issues like me