It's been a long time I've done a voltage measurement riding. It was out of curiosity to see what my automotive DMM did, now over 30 years old. Back then I did not detect anything wrong and I never repeated the measurement, as I never had a charging problem, in spite of running a 55/60 Watts H4, EI and 3Ω coils for decades. I've read all the previous posts and although I see the Schottky could offer some improvement, my impression is, the extra is marginal.
I hope that folks here, after unnecessarily replacing I don't know how many good OEM electric parts and after changing good visible bulbs for inferior leds, will not be lured into the next hype, where the cause of their problem - if present at all - is in their way of riding, in combination with the bizar wiring only the US models had. I mean: a gain of just 20 Watts...
Having said that, I truely admire you being a frontrunner in all this testing.