Yes, I am using thermal compound between the rectifier and the heatsink. You can use thermal epoxy, a thermal pad or anything else thermally conductive.
The clip could also be replaced with any kind of mounting mechanism you want. You can use screws and a clamp, epoxy, or anything really. I was going to do a clamp but didn't have any small screws handy. Thermal paste and pads will require a retention mechanism, epoxy will not.
Nor have I... not with my CB500 and I run a 55/60 Watts H4, 3Ω coils and a transistor ignition (which draws just a little extra). After every ride I return with a better charged battery than I left with. But I find your experiment very, very interesting. Forgive me my ignorance, but seen the high charging rates, I take it the regulator was bypassed?
Regulator is not bypassed. It's set to 14.2v, and I have a brand new healthy battery that will accept a lot of charge if I purposely run it down some.
Like I said, this mod won't make a difference for many people, but for those running extras like heated hand grips and have some issues maintaining charge - this is a cheap way to squeeze a bit more out.
Plus, 20w less wasted electricity is 0.027 HP more at the crank - which means a faster bike