So I bought compression guages. I bought a Motion Pro, which I used yesterday, around 195 psi. I also got a Bikemaster which hasn't come yet because it has more fittings and the shrader valve is at the plug, so I want to take a look at it.
Well today I get another Motion Pro guage, sh*t must have double ordered... but it's from Dennis Kirk? I didn't order either from Dennis Kirk. The MP was from a ebay sellers some auto sales or something and the Bikemaster is from Motosport.
So I look at the receipt, more $$$ than the one I bought, order info not my name in the sold to, but my name on the deliver to and not my last 4 Visa numbers. I check my bank account and it checks out, everything's right.
My initial reaction was o boy sell this to one of my friends and make a quick buck. I would hate if this happened to me or one of you guys. I think I'm gonna call the lady up later and tell her I have it if she wants to pick it up. She's 20-30 min away. I believe in karma, your deeds come back around to you.
Strange though isn't it? I get what I ordered twice but the second time not from whom I ordered it from.