Author Topic: would I experience a decrease in power while riding with a failing ignition?  (Read 782 times)

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Offline Shtonecb500

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my ignition switch has been failing for about a week but i didnt realize it until a day ago, i assumed it was another issue i was having with my signals. On my last ride home before the switch finally said no was riding like it had an extra 100 lbs on it. Would I experience a lack of power if the switch was struggling to function while in operation?

Just wondering, im about to take it out and see for myself.
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Offline 69cb750

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On my last ride home before the switch finally said no more....
Does the switch speak English or French ?

Would I experience a lack of power if the switch was struggling to function while in operation?
It would be unusual but anything is possible.

Offline Shtonecb500

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On my last ride home before the switch finally said no more....
Does the switch speak English or French ?

Would I experience a lack of power if the switch was struggling to function while in operation?
It would be unusual but anything is possible.
ok thanks
73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
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Offline scottly

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The first thing that occurs to me when someone has a sudden loss of power is that the motor is not running on all four cylinders?
Don't fix it if it ain't broke!
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