Got some updates on my build. The engine from the parts bike is apart, there are a few things I need to address, mainly because the bike has sat for 27 years:
1) One of the pistons was a bit stuck. Some PB Blaster and light hammering got it free, however the rings are baked into the pistons. Maybe I can get them free, but I saw that a new set of pistons runs less than 100 bucks, is it even worth it? Should I go with new pistons instead?
2) If I get new pistons, do I need to hone the cylinders? There is a bit of a marking where the rings were stuck but otherwise cylinders look good. It's supposed to be a 15k miles engine, and you can tell. The cam looks like new and overall the engine most likely has never been open.
3) I decide to have the jugs, head and valve cover vapor blasted. They look like crap, they have this factory silver paint job, so I will take the valves out and lap them back in. What should I replace? Shaft seals at least?
4) Engine factory paint needs to come off. What's the best way to strip it? Just get a disk on adrill or use the aircraft paint stripper stuff?
I will post pictures soon, but progress is being made!