So I’m chooglin along with my 74 CB550k build.
Latest projects have been the wheels, back and front, pretty much complete rebuilding. Once I received some new parts I began disassembling them (found lots of rust under the tires), and found myself going down a rabbit hole working off 45 years of dust and grime. Front wheel is done, replaced bearing and spokes. Ended up destroying the bearing retainer as I removed it, thankfully found a replacement. However with the rear hub/retainer I am currently stuck. There are no replacements that I have found online, and I have yet to get it to budge. Ive drilled the peens, let it sit overnight with PB blaster, heat first with the heat gun and then with a torch. Ive drilled and tapped two holes 180 degrees from each other into the retainer to use as a pry point (no specialty bearing retainer tools here), but i havent gotten it to move at all. Ive tried using a punch to get it to budge. Nothing. Anything im missing? Anyone else have this issue? Would appreciate any tips and tricks! Not many videos out there on this topic for this specific model or year.

Thanks! Happy riding. Wear those helmets! Too many idiots on the road.
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