Author Topic: 79 cb650 carb tune help  (Read 407 times)

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79 cb650 carb tune help
« on: July 23, 2020, 03:18:10 AM »
so i am alm,ost done with my cafe build. i have fully rebuild the motor, and current setup is air pods, with stock header and 12in long tube down each side od the frame.
motors fires right up, however here are my problems
slight throttle hesitation on initial blip 1000-1500, mid is good and nothing uptop. it will not rev .
using all stock jets, screw is 3 turns out and carbs are synched. i also have the 2 air "T" between carbs 1-2, 3-4 just sitting open not connected to anything no lines just the T.
any suggestion greatly appreciated.
i am looking for a 4-1 header with short muffler, but having hard time finding one on budget.