Author Topic: Wheel Bearing / Rear Wheel retaining nut / torque  (Read 798 times)

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Wheel Bearing / Rear Wheel retaining nut / torque
« on: July 28, 2020, 02:23:59 PM »
I have a CB750F (1976) with a rear disk brake. A while ago I notice my disk was rubbing against the caliper. way out of spec.  So I added a small washer to correct the problem.  However, I was worried about wheel bearings and assembly.  I don't like the idea of adding a spacer.

So I replace the wheel bearings and pulled it all apart. Studied the shop manuals and did everything best I can tell.   one thing I did notice was the sprocket bearing looked beat up.  The two wheel bearings looked/moved fine. So I replaced all three bearing and the rubber dampers.  Perhaps the 40 year old dampers were shrinking causing the alignment issue?

So my question. Torque specs on the rear wheel? Also the rear wheel does not spin freely like my modern Triumph.  Getting everything between the folks is also a tight fit and tighting the nut at all seems to reduce free play.  Did I do something wrong? ideas?