Chances are 90% it is another bad condensor. For the last several years we are being subjected to Daiichi condensors, which are usually bad either out-of-the-box or within 100 miles. I went through 5 of them before I bought an entire points plate assembly DIRECTLY from Honda (South Sound Honda) to get some good TEC units. Any of the individual condensors you buy right now ARE Daiichi, and are also junk. The TEC points plate completely fixes the problem.
Some clues:
1. If there is NO marking on the condensor, it is Daiichi.
2. If there is a little 3-leaf clover-like marking, it is Daiichi.
3. If it is poorly stamped "Daiichi" it is from someon who is actually knocking off [fake] Daiich parts.
--if any of the above, it is trash, or needs to be.
4. If it has a "TEC" stamped on the baseplate, partly obscured under the condensor itself because it was stamped before the baseplate was spot-welded to the condensor, it is TEC. TEC is Tokyo Electric Corporation, a longtime Honda supplier.