My impression is, it fits the anecdotal evidence I know personally. The stated evidence of other professionals ( Said doctor I've mentioned) that do present their comments for all to listen to. And other professionals such as the S.D. governor who publicly stated there is no problem.
The S.D. legislature is not up in arms nor are the constituents, so the governor isn't lying......fake news....the sky is not falling.
Your going to have cases. It's not a death sentence. If you hid for a year then opened up, someone,somewhere would show positive and the cases would rise all over again. If you have the morbidlty markers mentioned, then by all means, shut yourself off.
We avoided the I.C.U. overflow, massive sickouts of medical workers, and the shortage of ventilators , all of which were the reason we "agreed" to shutdown.
Now it's politicized, they keep moving the goalposts. A drug that has been used, safely, for decades is now all of a sudden considered poison? It's enough already.
Wash your hands, wear your mask, 6 ft,. stay home, whatever,....but enough of the mandates.