Yep, working for me. Got the first mount to go in 75% of the way. Had the nut heat up from tension, even though I oiled the threads per 754’s instructions. Thought maybe it wouldn’t work out and went to my mechanic who was willing to let me use his press. The swingarm wouldn’t fit in the press, maybe a smaller presses would work? Couldn’t get just one arm of the swingarm in because the lower plate of the press blocked the arm if that makes sense. Brought it back home and gave it a second attempt, swapped out the nut and was making some headway, went in another 10%. Needed some slightly smaller washers next to the mount. The large washer started making contact with the swingarm and couldn’t go in further. So I picked those up some washers at home depot and quit for the day.
So my question, is how flush should these sit? Haven’t measured yet, but looks like the mount is slightly thinner than the swingarm bore. Should it sit flush on one side or the other? Or centered? Easiest to make it flush on the inside of the arm.