OK, so happily, around lunch time the can of candy red arrived, and being in the 90's again today, I rubbed the lacquer back with 600 grade wet and dry paper, let it dry for 30 minutes or so, then hit it with the red, and was happy with the result. I threw a few coats of clear lacquer over it and tomorrow I'll wet rub it back with 600 grit wet and dry sandpaper, and apply the decals, then more lacquer. I've got another kit on the way, as I need to do some sidecovers and finish the headlight, this is becoming a very expensive process........
K0 Thursday 19 Nov 2020 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Some time this afternoon I decided to shove the engine into the frame, or maybe, to shove the frame over the engine. Once upon a time when I was 330(+) pounds I could lift a CB750 engine and shove it into the frame, but since 2018 I'm 130 pounds lighter, and I've been too weak to even lift a CB750 engine, much less wiggle it into the frame. Desperation is the mother fcuker of invention, and as there was no-one home to help me this arvo (afternoon, in Australian) I laid a cardboard box in the driveway, then summoned up my massive strength, picked up the engine, carried it out to the driveway and deposited it, ignition cover down, on the box.
K0 Thursday 19 Nov 2020 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I then wandered down to the garage and pulled the frame down, and lowered it over the engine. It took a bit of jiggling, but I managed to get it in. (or on, depending on what you're imagining I'm talking about) I'd bought new engine mounting bolts from Yamiya so shoved them into the holes to line the engine up in the frame, then with my new found mighty strength, lifted the whole shebang onto my son's furniture trolley (rated at 137 Kg (301.4 pounds, but I think they lied) and wheeled it into the garage.
K0 Thursday 19 Nov 2020 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Shiny new bolts do look kinda nice.
K0 Thursday 19 Nov 2020 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
OK, so thinking ahead, tomorrow I'll need to rebuild the forks and swingarm so that I can put wheels on either end, which of course is important if I want to actually ride this thing, or even just push it around the driveway. The bottom triple has a broken lug from one of the bike's previous excursions down the road in a horizontal, as opposed to vertical, plane. The top triple is OK, but it had a hole drilled in the "Rhino horn" by a previous owner, so I cleaned it up and filled it with the magic potion that is "JB Weld".
K0 top triple 19 Nov 2020 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
K0 top triple 19 Nov 2020 5 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
And gave it a coat of another magic potion, "Rustoleum Canyon satin black ", and it came up a treat.
K0 top triple 19 Nov 2020 6 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
So, the engine is in the frame, (thank God, Buddha, Allah, or the Great Pumpkin, depending on your personal theology) the tank is painted (albeit bereft of decals and final coat of clear lacquer for another day or so) top triple is painted, I have a very nice bottom triple that I don't think I'll bother painting as it looks very nice as is, (complete with brake hoses, splitter, etc) so i think tomorrow I'll build a set of forks using the new stanchions I bought, along with new seals, and maybe the lower legs I've had sitting in a tub for several years, as one of the lower legs on my current forks has a prominent gouge on it, from one of it's adventures in the horizontal attitude, so I suppose that it'll look nicer with unmarked fork sliders. I have a new set of repro gaiters, and of course, some shiny candy apple red headlight ears.
K0 headlight ears 10 Nov 2020 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I have a 20 litre bucket of ATF from when I was going to try to save the transmission in my Ford Exploder (now gone to God, tragically) so I'll be using a few hundred mils in each fork leg, I find ATF an excellent fork oil, as it has just about the right damping qualities, and a "seal swelling" quality, which will ensure that the forks don't leak in the near future. Actually I remember that my son bought a very expensive 1 litre pack of super-duper synthetic ATF when the Exploder transmission started to smoke, I might use that and keep my massive drum of ATF for my funeral, when I expect to be cremated on a funeral pyre like the American Indians, or Aboriginals, or First nations, or Redskins, or whatever they're (respectfully) referred to this week. The ATF, should keep me sizzling away for many hours.
Anyway, all is well, I'm happy that the build is progressing faster than expected, so all going well, it'll be on the road in the next couple of weeks. What could possibly go wrong? Plenty, but I'll stay positive, and keep plugging along. more tomorrow.
K0 Thursday 19 Nov 2020 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr