Yes it's almost summer, I can almost feel that sweet sunshine, thawing out this heart of mine....... With apologies to the late, great Billy Thorpe. So as part of my "Freedom Rides" program, today I dragged the poor neglected old K0 out of the garage for it's first outing since March 20th. I first drove over to the gas station and bought 6 litres of 98 RON fuel and dumped that into the tank, and all the concerns that I've had about it running rough on 8 month old fuel were unnecessary, it started on the 2nd kick, and ran like a champ.
K0 Monday 1 Nov 2021 c by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I filled out my log book and headed to the Shell station in Kalkallo to fill the tank right up with fresh 98 RON gas, then up the Hume Freeway to Beveridge, across to Eden Park, Whittlesea, Kinglake, and Yea (pronounced "Yay") where I stopped for a late lunch.
K0 Monday 1 Nov 2021 i by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I was disappointed that the little fish and chip shop in Yea looks like it's gone bust. There were a few other places to eat open so I went to the bakery and then sat under a tree and ate my pie while admiring the old girl.
K0 Monday 1 Nov 2021 k by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I stopped for a piss behind the 2009 Bushfire memorial (is it wrong to piss behind a bushfire memorial? I mean, I didn't piss on the memorial, and I was busting?) and took a pic.
K0 Monday 1 Nov 2021 n by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
K0 Monday 1 Nov 2021 m by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
For some reason I had an urge to take a closer look at the engine, and noticed this:
K0 Monday 1 Nov 2021 q by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Damn, I would often get a few spots of oil on my alternator cover on a long ride, but could never work out where the leak was, but now it's pretty obvious that the cam cover gasket is weeping a tad. I don't want to try cranking down the JIS screw any more, or replacing it with an allen screw, I'll just wipe the oil off, that dribble that you see in the pic is after 120+ miles, so it's not a lot.
Now being old and having a little dementia isn't always great. The speedo on the K0 is in MPH, so by the time I got to Yea I'd done over 100 miles, and should have filled up the tank before I headed the 40 miles back to Whittlesea, but for some reason I was thinking that I'd only done 100 Kilometers, because the K2 bitsa has a KPH speedo and I'm more used to riding that bike, but anyway, I figured that I should be able to ride back to Whittlesea, just. Surprisingly I rolled into Whittlesea with 141 miles on the odo, and I hadn't even hit reserve? That's not bad for 120 mains, with the needles raised one notch.
What was even more surprising, was the bike only took 10.14 litres (2.74 US Gallons, or 2.23 Imperial Gallons) to fill the tank right to the top, so believe it or not, I was getting 63.22 miles per (Imperial) gallon or 51.45 Miles per US gallon, or 20 Km per litre, that's as good as my Harley 1200 Sportster! (well, the Harley only likes the cheaper 91 RON fuel, so I guess it's more fuel efficient, but whatever) Anyway, as anyone with an old bike knows, gas stations are dangerous places if you're in a hurry, and a couple my age wanted to talk about old bikes and old Volkswagens, I told them that I'd built the K0 over a couple of months late last year as a Covid-19 Lockdown project, and they told me that they'd done the same with their old Bug, but other cars were waiting for us to piss off, so I did.
I rode back home and squeezed the bike back into the garage, after doing a total of 183 miles. (293 Km) The K0 had run like a new bike all day, and I'd had a ball. The riding position is really comfy, but anything over 70 MPH is a little uncomfortable due to the "Wind Sock" effect. No matter, 70 is as fast as I'm allowed to go, so it'll keep me legal. All in all, a good day.

K0 Monday 1 Nov 2021 u by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr