Author Topic: carb,dwell meter and tappet cover questions  (Read 1573 times)

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carb,dwell meter and tappet cover questions
« on: June 08, 2005, 06:05:01 PM »
Hi i'm a newbie to this site.Had a k1 cb750 for a year or so and had some trouble getting the tappet covers off.  Seems a 17 mm wrech is a bit too big.  I actually broke a couple chunks out of two covers.  Any suggestions for a tighter fitting wrench.  Also some carb and ignition issues.  When purched it had a ratty old airbox and drag specialities pipes, seemed to make good power but was loud and ground out in corners.  fitted K+N's and a mac 4-1 and recently bought a oem points/plate set, and goldwing coils.  I hear you must use a dwell meter.  Does the one sold in jc whitney for cars work?  Also the thread on how to boost the voltage to you coils in the faq section.  What exactly is a auto light relay?  I,m running 140 mains.  Can you get a bigger slow jet?  Ever tried to shim the needle so you get a notch and 1/2 setting?  Anyone ever jet a set up like this?  Lots of questions and I thank all you guys who take the time to help.

Matt at PSB

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Re: carb,dwell meter and tappet cover questions
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2005, 08:05:29 PM »
6-point quality 17mm socket on the damaged valve clearance adjustment caps. Never re-install a damaged cap: Get undamaged replacements. Remember it is an O-ring seal so how tight you tighten it is not closely related to how well it seals.

There is nothing like a new set of 29mm Keihin CR Special carb if you are after power production from a SOHC 750 with pod air filters. That said, yes I have used the .5mm washers designed for shimming the slide needle to a half step. Trouble with pods on the stock piston valve carbs is you tend to get a lean idle, an overly rich mid-range, and a lean top end all at the same time. This is defeatable, but you really have to have an above average understanding of carb physics to get there.

As for the ignition: What follows will piss a lot of people off. Please understand that I am still putting 20,000 miles a year on SOHC 750's and I am therefore interested in function not preservation: Forgive me. Dump the points plate completely. Put it on a nail on the rafters of your garage. Get a Dyna Ignition points eliminator kit and never remove the candy dish again. Whilst you are at it get some Dyna DC1-1 ignition coils. One more thing: Loose the Spark Plug Resistor Capps too. Set the secondary side of the ignition up with non-resistor everything. Points & their related early seventies designed ignition components are for people building or restoring museum pieces.

You want engine performance from a SOHC 750 it is easy; you only need to purchase four things: A Wiseco 836cc 10.5 t0 1 kit, a set of 29mm CRs, a Dyna Ignition system (coils & points eliminator), and a better but not ridiculous camshaft. Remember: Be careful for what you wish for. The above modifications will produce a huge demand for better brakes & suspension.

Matt at PSB


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Re: carb,dwell meter and tappet cover questions
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2005, 06:10:05 PM »
Maybe someday I'll go that far but for now I.m stuck with what I got. The honda choppers website has a article about optimizing the Ignition that I agree with.  If I can get a hold of some slides I was going tho have a mm or so machined off the bottom so they would suck more air.  On second thought may this isnt such a good idea, A larger  slow jet might be better, or maybe a larger needle jet.  I think a 4to1 pipe inherintly has a weak zone at low rpm's, I would like to try a 4to2.What are you guys running?

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: carb,dwell meter and tappet cover questions
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2005, 03:52:44 AM »
Lefty, Let me start by saying I'm, without a doubt, the last person on this forum to give anyone else advice on carbs. So, take this with a grain of salt. As I recall the bottoms of my K0 slides, I would not want to mill anything off the bottoms, I agree with you it's not a good idea.
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