Anyone up for a game of the proverbial "dog chasing his tail"? I just got the chrome handle bar controls from Mikes' XS (Yamaha 650) to put on my new euro bars and thought they would be pretty much cut & dried to install.WRONG!!!!....the switches are all the same and in the same location but I'll tell you.....I've been chasing wiring diagrams....both Honda and Yamaha and will tell you.....this is a big cluster F#@K as far as comparing to each other and to make it worse.....there are some major conflicts on both Honda & Yamaha diagrams. As someone here posted...don't even try to use a Clymers ....whoever put that together had his head way deep in his ass!!!! Conflicting colors,had the start button switch labeled as the horn etc. Then to really make it fun,Yamaha decided to muck everything up with all kinds of goofy safety swithes and such back in the later 70's. I figured on the wires changing colors but not all the BS light reserve unit,turn cancelling,etc. If anyone wants to compare notes as I dig a bit deeper, I'm more than game cause I will make this thing work. At this time,I don't have a decent Yamaha diagram on one page (been looking at several on the internet....scrolling up & down,left to right......major pain!!) also,I don't have my originals taken apart yet. I'm trying to do it all in my head and put it on paper so when I go to hook it all up,it should be straight forward.
Jonesy has a good write up in the FAQ's that helped alot so I may be referring to that as I go along. If any one has a decent Yamaha diagram,I'd love to see it....Thanks.