Went 2nd oversize pistons on my 550, that shouldn't chance CR right? Now I had the cylinders flattened when it was bored, 1 to 1.5mm maybe, stupid I know I didn't ask. I also plan on having the head flattened as well, probably be .5 to 1.5mm to clean it up.
Having worked at a engine repair shop at one time.... 1 to 1.5mm is EXTREME (IMO) for an amount to be removed from block deck.
Most engine repair shops will take the MIN. to clean up the surface, plus about 0.05mm.
If you take your head to a good shop, unless your head is warped severly, they should not have to remove more than 0.4mm.
And that should be TOTAL amount removed from the thickness of your head.
At the shop I previously worked at, If we had to remove more than .3mm then it was company policy to contact the customer to inform him/her, and explain possible effects, and get his/her ok.
You may want to contact the place that did your surface grinding on your cylinder block (was it surface ground, or was it cut?) and find out their policy, and ask if you can find out how much was removed.
Possibly talk to the employee that did the work, he may rember if it was recently done. Especially if the shop does not specialize in motorcycle work.
Damn... I wish the U.S. would just convert to the metric system... converting back and forth sucks....