Compared to its neighbors, Sweden currently has a death toll much higher over the course of the virus. It has reduced the infection rate over time, so kudos for that, and its neighbors may have a higher toll when it is all over, but it's a little early to be congratulating them. Sweden failed miserably at the initial stages of Covid, especially among it's most vulnerable population: the elderly. Sweden was congratulated, then condemned, and its returned to cautious congratulations -- but like I said, compared to its neighbors its death toll is much higher.
Sweden also has voluntary compliance of social distancing and mask wearing, socialized medicine with excellent health care paid for through high rates of taxation, and a population where large amounts of people do not deny that the virus exists, deny the science behind its spread, deny that wearing masks actually helps prevent the spread of Covid, and claiim that because wearing a mask is not specifically mentioned in their constitution the government can't make people wear them.
Perhaps people in the US could learn something from the Swedes.