Yo can always use a bigger stiffer bar in the lathe, we bored Sportster cylinders in the lathe , pretty well have to .. you take out 1/2 of material and they are much longer than a Honda barrel... that is on an 883 to 1200 bore.
Put the barrel on blocks then clamp down click the top of sleeve, then bore.
I only did a few Whizzed barrels to see how deep pits are, but yes chatter I'd finish .ca be a problem. . My boring head uses 3/4 bars ,,,a bit stiffer. . Btw them sets of boring tools, cheap ones are often terrible quality.
You will have to go slow, and cut like 10 or 15 thou at a time.
Mis the mill yours , or a buddies ? The cost you could save by boring yourself , should cover any nice tools you need , and will use a lot down the road.