I soda blasted my last set of cases, followed by three hot hot hot water with Dawn soap washes using a nylon scrubbing brush.
Then wiped it down with a tack cloth, followed with an acetone wipe right before paint. I warmed up my cases in the oven before painting too. Nothing crazy, just warm to the touch like if they were out in the sun. It was -20C outside when I painted though, so this wouldn’t be relevant in warm weather. Had the shop heater cranked for hours to get it warm enough inside.
Two coats of PJ1 satin with no primer. Then three sessions in the oven to cure it as per directions.
Paint is hard and looks awesome after many oil, fuel, and brake cleaner spills, water crossings, and branches. Only spot that wore through is from my motocross boots next to the rear brake pedal. That happens on new engines though so it’s expected.

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