Author Topic: 500 / 550 oil passage bypass line  (Read 25779 times)

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Offline Boehler

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Re: 500 / 550 oil passage bypass line
« Reply #50 on: February 11, 2013, 12:52:51 PM »
Thanks a lot, exactly what i wanted to hear  ;D ,
i will drill the smaller one to 1mm .

Offline spdygnzlz

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Re: 500 / 550 oil passage bypass line
« Reply #51 on: March 23, 2013, 06:26:24 PM »
I have the head off the bike right now and would love to do the needed mods while I have the opportunity.

Right now I'm working on getting this mod done but using braided hose.  Does anyone have a detailed parts list of what they used? (fitting types/sizes, hose lengths, etc).  I found a set of aluminum plugs on amazon that I could drill out for the restrictors since I don't have a lathe to turn the existing restrictors down.  Otherwise, I read that some folks are using a carb jet to act as the restrictor, does anyone have details on this alternative?  I've never opened up my carbs so I'm not really sure.

What are you guys drilling out and tapping the plug on the sides of the head to?  If you have specifics it would be great, I'm still a noob!


Offline Boehler

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Re: 500 / 550 oil passage bypass line
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2013, 04:17:00 AM »
Hi , i hope i am stealing no ones thread, but my motor is in Parts at the moment so i could make some shots:
at first : i don´t know if its possible to drill the head without proper gear, like a milling machine or lathe, cause, it needs to be perfekt orthogonal , otherwise the sealing would be impossible with cooper or aluminium washers. Same for the plug in the main oil-gallery.
All holes ( plug main gallery, head 2x) where drilled 9mm and tapped with M10x1 ( i am from Austria, metric stuff is easier to get)
if you are using Banjo-fittings , you need to get the right Hollow-screws to fit the Banjos, thus giving you the right thread to tap.

The head fins needs to get milled to accept the larger Banjo ( see the Pics, you will get it), also you need to mill the sealing surface, cause the cast will seal not very well.
for the restrictors: 1mm should be a 100 mainjet, but the original restrictors got a filterlike design to avoid clogging, so they where my first choice.

You also need to close the old Oil channel, otherwise the whole mod will be useless... i tapped the head with M6 and sealed the screw with screw adhesive high strength, same at the base , only larger ( M12)

i don´t know which way you choose, but if you take the left side oilplug you will need to do some work to the alternator cover.

my solution for the T-section  could be found one page earlier.

never mind my oil-line routing, i don´t use a e-starter anymore.


Head finished:

Head tapped and milled:


Plug head:

Plug Base:

Alternator cover:

Offline bwaller

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Re: 500 / 550 oil passage bypass line
« Reply #53 on: March 24, 2013, 05:38:29 AM »
Good job Boehler. I never liked accessing oil from the right side because of the obvious issues, you're left side alternative will protect the fittings. I came out of the back of the gallery on another engine for the same reason. I think the 1mm orifice should be fine too but I wouldn't go larger. I think the original is 0.8mm. Just watch too not to overtighten the nuts on the tee and squish the restrictors.

Offline Boehler

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Re: 500 / 550 oil passage bypass line
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2013, 07:05:26 AM »
Thx, the idea was brought up by Mark a few pages earlier.
I will tighten up eveything then disassamble it and recheck the hole, thanks for the tip!