Make sure that point plate sit tight and can not move sideways when its three screws are loosened making the timing to a never ending story.
I found this description at Garage. hammered the bosses with a sharp metal hammer in a straight angle, (not sideways) to make them to swell so plate will sit tight. All screws were loose, hammer a little on all bosses until plate sit tight and hopefully centered.
(Another engine case I have is OK, plate sit really tight without need to hammer rhe bosses.)
Cutting the advancer springs, a must on both my bikes. CB750 use same igntion as CB500.
Pamco, stock points and Dyna-S used, same needs.
My last build could not get into correct F vs case mark at idle, plate could not be turned enough, cut springs 1/2 wound each did it (advancer not sloppy with free moving weights the first degrees).
Points at max gap helps to get it later (retarding it).
Advancer can also have a play when center nut is not tightened. Max counterclockwise matched real TDC.
The advantage of electronic ignition as Dyna-S is that ignition will not change if plate moves a little sideways.
Points work different when that happen. Points easiest to set correct and equal with dwell meter. Corrected while idling. Place a fan in front of engine when adjusting, it can take a while

Adjustment of point 2:3 is PITA since it easy moves in-out instead of follow its groove sideways only. This affect ignition too.
Hondachopper has a good description of adjusting the ignition. CB750, but same stuff and procedures.
My bike has a CB500 TEC plate since JT Marks charged less for it.