Author Topic: cb550 noisy clutch fix  (Read 2664 times)

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Offline uksparky

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cb550 noisy clutch fix
« on: May 21, 2013, 11:42:14 AM »
there is a very efective wayto quiet noisy clutches.  first remove the clutch basket to be sure the rivets holding the driven gear to the basket are not loose. if they are ok proceed.   notice the tangs of the friction  discs  have some clearance  where they sit in the fingers of the alum basket.  thats where the noise comes from.  take four pieces of the apropriet thickness steel shim stock bend at 90 degrees  and insert them down between the middle discs tang and the side of the clutch basketsfingerso it takes up the clearance of the middle disc only. bolt them to the clutch baskets fingers at 12oclock, 3oclock, 6oclock, and 9oclock.  on the trailing edge of the fingers. looking at the outside of the clutch  the trailing edge is the left side of the finger. bolt the shims in place with 1 4-40 allen head machine screw each. i did this on my 750 and its been in place for years and works great.  you only need to take up the crearance on one friction disc because they are all held together by the springs...
Anyone done this...
Present bike 1982 900C Custom

Offline xsmooth69x

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Re: cb550 noisy clutch fix
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 11:44:03 AM »
picture  :o
1975 CB550 (FINISHED?!?!?)
first motorcycle ever!!! ow and i dont know how to ride it either :D

raw rust rice venti quad shot cafe racing latte project aka my build.....

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1972 cb750 - next in line for some <3

Offline uksparky

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Re: cb550 noisy clutch fix
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 12:35:35 PM »
Sorry guys no picture...found this on a forum.....i will try to find something...
Present bike 1982 900C Custom

Offline xsmooth69x

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Re: cb550 noisy clutch fix
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 02:02:47 PM »
1975 CB550 (FINISHED?!?!?)
first motorcycle ever!!! ow and i dont know how to ride it either :D

raw rust rice venti quad shot cafe racing latte project aka my build.....

black and white equation godzilla chalkboard 
1972 cb750 - next in line for some <3

Offline uksparky

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Re: cb550 noisy clutch fix
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2013, 06:35:00 PM »
 glenn.  i cant send you pix because i dont have any clutches apart to show.  besides, i am very computer illiterate and dont have a camera.  but i think i can explain it.  ill start from the beginning so we know what page we are both on.  first does the sound deminish a lot when you pull in the clutch? if it does then you came to the right place.  first the friction discs of course have sections which protrude into the clutch basket around the outside dia.  they are the "fingers" which actually drive the bike forward when its in gear and the clutch is engaged.  you will notice that these "fingers" have play where they fit into the basket slots.  that is the source of the noise and typically the play is about .030 thou.  when the bike is under load these "fingers all bear against the front  edge of each slot in the basket.  you can see the wear pattern  on the clutch basket.  take a feeler guage and determine how much play you have in your clutch by inserting it between the friction disc finger and the basket slot  of ONE friction disc only.  insert it in the opposite side of the wear pattern.   find some shim stock the same thickness  as the feeler guage.  bend the shim stock at 90 degrees so it sits on the basket  and drops down between the finger and the basket slot to take up that play.  cut the shim stock so the part that takes up the play is only as wide as ONE of the friction discs. now you can bolt the shim stock onto the basket  right where the last {inside} friction disc sits when the clutch is together.  you only need to take up the play on ONE friction disc only at four places around the clutch equally spaced.  i use 4-40 allen head cap screws through the shim stock and threaded into the basket.  you can get  a few only of these screws at a local hobby shop .  you can also get a 4-40 tap there too.  you may have to bend the shimm at a very sharp right angle, and  fit it to the basket so its right tight up against the basket edge.  then you may have to slightly file the shim stock so the friction sisc just fits against it with no play but slides in easily.  some clutches fit inside the housing with min clearance so you may have to dress the head of the 4-40  bolt down a bit so it will fit.  if you fit the shims well  on only ONE friction disc you will be amazed at how quiet the clutch will be. mark the position of the last friction disc on the basket so you know exactly where to put the shim.  good luck and let me know how you make out.   greg

 Greg he is a member of the 750 forum ...he sent me this pictures

Present bike 1982 900C Custom

Offline Xander77

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Re: cb550 noisy clutch fix
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2020, 09:38:46 PM »
Hi on this what ae you screwing the shim metal to?