Okay, so first the "I told you so" moment for Lloyd/TT.
Sure enough, I checked my carb synch and it was off again.
He was right, must be coming down off all those wheelies.
Resynched. Have installed hotter plugs (D7EA). Checked dwell, relying on something in the Clymer's. They note that "on a 4-cylinder scale, the correct dwell would be 46-49" degrees. Just before that they point out that for these bikes what one really needs is a meter for 2 cylinder engines, since one set of points controls 2 cylinders. Why didn't I think of that before I bought a meter? Mike Nixon also notes in his booklet that nearly all these meters are automotive, as TT already did. In any case, since I was hovering around 50 degrees or a little less, and it's not finely calibrated, and the strobe check is good, I figure it must be pretty close. Adjusted idle, but that was before I checked the synch; so I may have to do that again in the morning.
Hard to tell till morning, but I think the hotter plugs idea may be a real step in the right direction.