Thanks for the replies.
Yes, the test was performed whith the engine running, and there was no accumulation of oil on the head.
I didn't check the cylinder for flat, just the head.
About adding oil, about half a liter. It gets low when the engine is running, the level rises after a few minutes, and it gets lower overnight, which I've read that is the normal behaviour of these bikes, due to oil return to the sump overnight through the valves.
I'm pretty sure that is not burning oil, the engine was overhauled due to that, but I changed the valves, the guides for new bronze ones, the cylinders were rebored, new rings, and I don't find any sign of burning oil, no white smoke, no smell, no oil on the exhaust.
Terry, I see exactly what you describe thru the tappet holes, so I think that the oil on the head runs OK. I see the oil moving on the rocket arms like when you are beating an egg, to make an image.
I'm afraid that what happened is that the oil escapes through the head gasket, the level gets lower, add oil, escapes through the head and so on. I will have to check the head gasket. Fortunately, I installed the frame kit, which allows me to do this without taking the engine out of the frame.