Author Topic: If you have a K1, please help guestimate production date of my JDM CB750K1  (Read 1075 times)

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Offline DesertKyorugi

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I am in the process of correcting the model year on my California titled Japanese Domestic Model(JDM) CB750K1. I need to list the production month and year for it. Since JDM bikes do not have the right side plate, I need your help.

The VIN# is CB7501120XXX. My US model K1 is CB7501093XXX with a production date of 05/71. Please check your VIN# against mine and let me know what production date you have for your K1.

Thank you
US '71 CB750K1 Stored for 39 years, currently running
US '71 CB750K1 Currently running
JDM '71 CB750K1 Stored for 21 years, currently running
US '70 CB750K0 Stored for 28 years, currently in restoration
US '70 CB750K0 Stored for 43 years, currently in restoration
US '70 CB750K0 Currently waiting to be restored
US '73 CB500K2 Stored for 40 years, currently running

Offline 69cb750

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CB750-1118051 Build  9/71   CB750E-1117903
CB750-1118551 Build  9/71   CB750E-2358110
CB750-1118613 Build  9/71   CB750E-1115534
CB750-1114224 Build  9/71   CB750E-1114824
CB750-1120519 Build  ?/71   CB750E-1120197 JDM

Offline DesertKyorugi

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  • '87 GS450 '86'87 ZL600 '73 CB500 '70 '71 '71 CB750
CB750-1118051 Build  9/71   CB750E-1117903
CB750-1118551 Build  9/71   CB750E-2358110
CB750-1118613 Build  9/71   CB750E-1115534
CB750-1114224 Build  9/71   CB750E-1114824
CB750-1120519 Build  ?/71   CB750E-1120197 JDM

I am thinking 10/71 or 11/71, the last of the K1s. Hopefully, there are more people on this board with K1s who can chime in. Thanks
US '71 CB750K1 Stored for 39 years, currently running
US '71 CB750K1 Currently running
JDM '71 CB750K1 Stored for 21 years, currently running
US '70 CB750K0 Stored for 28 years, currently in restoration
US '70 CB750K0 Stored for 43 years, currently in restoration
US '70 CB750K0 Currently waiting to be restored
US '73 CB500K2 Stored for 40 years, currently running

Offline 69cb750

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CB750-2001814 Build 10/71   CB750E-200071x
CB750-2001847 Build 10/71   CB750E-2001802
CB750-2002436 Build 10/71   CB750E-2010165
CB750-2002424 Build 10/71   CB750E-2010008 dif=7584
CB750-2002508 Build 10/71   CB750E-2010176

K2 started in 10/71, never seen a 10/71 K1

Offline DesertKyorugi

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  • '87 GS450 '86'87 ZL600 '73 CB500 '70 '71 '71 CB750
CB750-2001814 Build 10/71   CB750E-200071x
CB750-2001847 Build 10/71   CB750E-2001802
CB750-2002436 Build 10/71   CB750E-2010165
CB750-2002424 Build 10/71   CB750E-2010008 dif=7584
CB750-2002508 Build 10/71   CB750E-2010176

K2 started in 10/71, never seen a 10/71 K1

I see. I guess I will call it 09/71 and get it corrected and titled as such. Thanks
US '71 CB750K1 Stored for 39 years, currently running
US '71 CB750K1 Currently running
JDM '71 CB750K1 Stored for 21 years, currently running
US '70 CB750K0 Stored for 28 years, currently in restoration
US '70 CB750K0 Stored for 43 years, currently in restoration
US '70 CB750K0 Currently waiting to be restored
US '73 CB500K2 Stored for 40 years, currently running

Offline 69cb750

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What does title say ?
Most K1 are titled 1971.

Offline DesertKyorugi

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  • '87 GS450 '86'87 ZL600 '73 CB500 '70 '71 '71 CB750
What does title say ?
Most K1 are titled 1971.

The title says 1972 because the PO brought it into the US in 1972. Even the insurance company (Geico) says there is a discrepancy with the model year and needed manual confirmation of model year.
US '71 CB750K1 Stored for 39 years, currently running
US '71 CB750K1 Currently running
JDM '71 CB750K1 Stored for 21 years, currently running
US '70 CB750K0 Stored for 28 years, currently in restoration
US '70 CB750K0 Stored for 43 years, currently in restoration
US '70 CB750K0 Currently waiting to be restored
US '73 CB500K2 Stored for 40 years, currently running

Offline Don R

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 Even bikes sold in the U.S. were sometimes titled as the next model year, I've often mentioned my leftover k2 cb500 was re-titled as a 1973. Later, Honda lost a class action lawsuit in New York and repaid me $37.  Later, I realized it had the small gauges and the rest of the 73's I saw had the big ones. 
  Apparently that's how I got a 1970 sandcast sold at Christmas in 69, it the first 750 sold at our local shop and the second one was a 1969 diecast.  The guy that assembled them still owns the 69 and remembered who bought mine new. I'd prefer my title to say 69 also but the buyer was probably asking for a 70 and got it.
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Offline camera7

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I have a 1972 K1 cb750-1100....

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Offline camera7

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Build date 6/71

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Offline Henning

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Re: If you have a K1, please help guestimate production date of my JDM CB750K1
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2021, 09:14:55 AM »
The JDM bikes did their own thing number wise; 750 K1 frames started at 1055209 and engines at 1057052.
Link,136534.msg1538826.html#msg1538826. Member Dream750 is/was the expert on the JDM bikes but I haven't seen him online for a long time. For your purposes 9/71 is probably as close as you will get. I have frame 10558xx making it quite an early K1  8)
71 or thereabouts 750 K1 - this one should have been put down

Offline itsahonda4

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Re: If you have a K1, please help guestimate production date of my JDM CB750K1
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2021, 11:10:00 AM »
I have a JDM K1 but its in Canada, eh so all I had to do was get an 'out of province' inspection to get it registered, as we dont have the Title system. The VIN is 89,XXX.....
There are lots of little differences between the same year North American bikes and the JDM bikes.