Hi, Jerry, you warm-as-toast traitor...I'm freezing [something] off here in CO, where it hasn't been over 0 now for more than 2 days! My recording thermometer showed 0 this AM about 10 for 20 minutes, that was the highest since Friday night.
I had the Covid a little over a year ago, got it for my birthday in January 2020. I got it from the guy in the next cubicle at work, who got it from the COO of the company, who got it from flying around a whole bunch on crowded jetliners in December 2019. His wife is a surgical nurse at one of the local hospitals: by the time he had the pneumonia he ended up staying there a night (it might have been 2 nights). He came to work during the 2nd week of it (before the pneumonia started and clobbered him), the last week of December, when he gave it to the guy next to me during their several meetings over a machine they were/are building.
I had it for a little over 3 weeks. The first week was like a cold with a fever, the second week was like the flu (which I have only had twice, both following getting a flu shot decades ago, so I don't anymore), the 3rd week started a nasty cough (with no congestion!) that lasted 3 more weeks after that. I was sort of raspy in the throat during the last week, too. The long cough was sudden, deep, and very annoying.
Then, about the end of January, they declared it was "Covid-19" and everyone freaked. My wife, a lifelong Type I diabetic (on insulin pump) got a mild "cold" from me, starting end of January, that lasted about a week: that was it. But, she gets 2 flu shots every year, so I suspect that kept her from getting it worse: normally she gets EVERYTHING that comes by.
Since then I have been exposed numerous times to others who were [later] diagnosed as Covid-eers. I haven't been sick since.
Around here, the vaccinations keep getting promised, they do one day of shots somewhere, then they change the schedule again. Very few have been able to get their 2nd shot so far, and at this time there is no reliable way to schedule yourself for one. My wife is supposed to be at the top of their "list", but all they do is send her "updates" on when the next re-scheduling is happening: lousy Colorado management, as usual. I think she's already had it, she thinks she wants the shot(s) anyway. The 'antibody' tests have been less than 50% reliable around here so far, probably due to Colorado's mismanagement of the results, or the type of tests they are buying, so no one seems to believe them, now.