My former neighbors are avid and loud anti vaxxers and now are on FB asking for prayers because they both have it. They both have a side effect now.
DON, the side affect for some antii-vaxxers is you won't go near them. The effect of them catch what the thought was something and evil shot, it really isn't and never will be a vaccine, so they'll them they don't need to rail against it as it isn't a vaccine. A vaccine prevents you from getting a disease like polio, diptherea, small pox, rubella, chicken pox & the adult outbreak called shingles is akin to a booster because the vaccine didn't have lifetime effectiveness. The polio vaccine prevents you from catching it, not you only end up partially crippled with a mild case. Is is more similar to a flu shot than a vaccine as the flu strains are slowly, in comparison mutating from season to season and the flu generally is cyclical in most commonly spread in winter when we are indoors more and it ebbs drastically in summer. They have to guess at the direction the flu will take for which variant or strain is going to be most prevalent. Lots of years they guess wrong and some years they guess right and sometimes as a result the total case count 8s down as a result and because it attacks and weakens it's host so greatly older people without the robust and full of vitality immune system of a younger person (usually characteristic of a younger person,) they don't survive and pneumonia often results dmfron the flu which leads to death.
Covid8s 9ften doing heart damage that doesn't recover if you survive a moderate or severe case. Doctors are betting as these young people who are suffering this damage will be experiencing significant debilitating heart conditions or increased number of heart attacks earlier in life that is statistically closer to the current norm for which ever variant of heart issues they exhibit when they age. The influenza has been around a long time by comparison so the virologist and immunologists have had time to study it extensively and develop and test theories and prove or disprove of any hypothesis they form. The SARS-CoV-19 and SARS-CoV-2 are so fresh they are all 8n a mad scramble and leveraging existing knowledge of prior SARaS-CoV and Flu and other nasty viruses to look for commonality and testing quickly and hopefully thoroughly as possible given the constraints they are facing to develop and prove effectiveness of treatment strategies in both palatine care and in acute care cases as well as in mild to moderate cases.
They if a good scientist following best practices to have repeatable results as well as sound and accurate analysis that is unimpeachable. Many times a published paper in some fields other scientists work to reinforce or disprove those results, so it can be a brutal world and not one where you can have thin skin" and survive or thrive... Not that you become arrogant and inflexible to entertaining or testing ideas that conflict with conclusions or theatres of how something works. A good scientist is adaptive to the changing landscape.
Too bad it isn't as easy to tell when a scientist is lying for us common engineers, lawyers, nurses, store clerks, managers of various levels and the grease that keeps America moving: the laborers, truck drivers, and tradesmen, etc...
That's my $0.10
I understand the right someone who doesn't like vaccines may have, they have dmdreedon of speech just like everyone. Doesn't say anywhere you have to or need to listen to their free speech. It never gives anyone the right in my opinion to force your views on someone else and force them to come with your point of view or beliefs unless that view is clearly and legally interpreted to be in alignment with law of the land. Laws are suppose to be reflecting that if the society's majority in the USA...
If you cannot legally point to a law that isn't tossed by a court of a state or federal court with the appropriate stair case of authority granted to each as defined by our Constitution and Amendments then it is subject to legal interpretation by the courts of the land when put to the test, a case is brought against that interpretation and the enforcement carried forth by the legally charged groups to enforce those laws and decisions /interpretations, be it local police, lawyers & judges, or State or federal level enforcement authorities defined by law... For others to try to exert that control over citizens has repeatedly through history been denounced or ruled as illegal and unenforceable any the courts of the land
People who complain about what they don't like the currentborvfuture direction or current laws need to use their legal rights to effect peaceful, legal change through the election process and/or working with legislatures to pass laws that reflect the population's majority values ethics and views. The congress and senators are elected to represent you and their vote represents you and everyone in the district, region , State, or whichever level and group of residents they are suppose to represent. You voice can be heard respectfully and you just might be able to give them points to ponder or counterpoints that might sway them to your views.
The system can work if you use it and any error that for whatever unknown to me reason might not be working from a system that has worked in the past needs examined to determine what changed that made it no longer work correctly. If you can come up with illustrations and results of how and what changed that broke a system that worked for over 200 years will have to be sound and not current soup de jour viewpoint any change needs to be applicable for future generations if we survive for more of the... And needs to be durable enough to reflect society and the long-term values and principles of the country ...those are extremely slow changing in stable societies.
Sorry that's my 25% input no one asked for...
Have a good weekend and be kind to others sooner or later they will recipricate in kind ,(unless they are just some evil b-----,).
Just joking about that parenthetical expression...