Thanks StockRider!
Thanks for the pics. I found those pics on the web as well and have been staring at them for days.
It is indeed that throttle valve guide that is missing from mine. And yes, I%u2019ve been trying to figure out what that material is as well. Definitely not the same material as the carb body itself. It%u2019s epoxy-ish plastic, seems like.
I%u2019m guessing it was either not there to begin with or I knocked them loose while ultrasonically cleaning them.
Bummer that I have to look for another set of carbs just for that tiny piece...
Before you go looking for another set of carbs, I'd try to buy some brass rod stock just slightly over-diameter to that hole so it would have to be installed as a press-fit. With some careful measurements and test runs with say, some stiff wire, or tiny dowel (shishkebob sticks?) etc. you could determine:
1- how long they'd have to be
2- how deep the slot for them is in the slide; clearly enough to go into the slide trough but not enough to scrape on it. Actually you could build a fake throttle slide that you could put in the carb to tap in the final brass rod until it touches the fake slide set to the right length. Then cut off the excess on the outside. That way you wouldn't potentially damage your real carb slide when installing the new brass pin
3- what diameter the final brass stock needs to be to be a good press fit but not big enough to get stuck or damaged
4 - get the idea. If you're careful you might be able to make some that you could tap-tap-tap in there juuuuuust right once you get all your testing done. Yeah, it'll be a PITA to do it, but it could be done.
5- The end of the brass rod that touches the carb barrel slide should be rounded off, every one I've seen is.
EDIT: just thought of something else that would be might be able to find some tiny screws that are the right diameter to thread into the hole, and you would be able to use a dremel tool to cut them off (before installation obviously) and round the end over. Would be easier than press fitting and more permanent. Could put a touch of epoxy over the screw heads once installed to keep them in place.