My back from the grave 1971 cb750 is doing great, but i ran into two problems tonight while timing and would appreciate ideas. The first problem is timing marks-now i have a factory manual, the owners manual (but not the right one) and a Clymer manual, and all three show two vertical marks between the T and F mark, and also show the cylinders 1-4 or 2-3 numbers below the F mark. When timing, all books say to line up the mark to the left of the F mark, as opposed to the second mark right of T
The problem is my marks dont jive with the books-when rotating the crank, you first see 1-4 at the same level, and only one vertical mark between T and F, thus raising the question of why is mine different and what I am supposed to line up to static time?
The second problem is that my big points plate runs out of adjustment before i can get to the the single mark between T and F 1-4. I have read a tech post on this problem but darn if I can figure out what it is trying to tell me. Any other ideas or points to other posts on the subjects would be appreciated. I do well with pictures.
Thanks in advance!