Yes, same.
Unless the removed fork oil is glittery from worn off metal, the fork is likely close to "good as new". They are very basic dampers anyway.
Assuming the old oil isn't black, glittery, or missing (this happens) a rinse with new ATF or fork oil (fill, pump, drain again) then a final fill is OK. Note that there is a fill volume spec for fluid change different from fill volume for dry after disassembly and service. Underfilling causes less damping, overfilling can blow the seals out if you hit a decent bump and bottom them on hydraulic lock.
Bad oil, water contaminated oil, or no oil forks need to be taken apart and inspected. Most parts are available at CMSNL, probably elsewhere too.
I believe there is a aftermarket piston valve assembly upgrade available, reputed to improve the damping. It would be difficult to make it much worse.